About Our School
Hello, Viking Elementary families!
I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer and are looking forward to getting back together with your Viking School family! We have a lot of amazing things planned for our students this year! We are kicking off the new year with a camping theme, so welcome to Camp Viking! We will be learning and practicing these seven mindsets throughout the school year:
- Everything Is Possible,
- Passion First,
- We Are Connected,
- 100% Accountable,
- Attitude to Gratitude,
- Live to Give, and
- The Time Is Now
I am proud of the learning environment that Viking staff has developed for all students and families. We want every child to feel welcome and supported as they come to school. Students spend a lot of time at school and we want them to love it here while they learn and grow!
In August 2019, two new relocatables were added the south side of the school. Our 4th and 5th grade classes are located in the relocatables, which have two classrooms in each building. We were excited to get these new classrooms for our students.
The Viking Office is open from 8 a.m - 4 p.m., Monday-Friday. Doors open at 7:40 a.m. for students that want to eat breakfast. We do have morning activities at 7:45 a.m. before classrooms are open for our students. Kindergarten-1st grade students go to the library, 2nd-3rd grade students go to the back of the lunchroom, and 4th-5th grade students go to the gym. Classes start at 8:20 a.m.
Jolyn S. Bergstrom, Principal